Summer Camp Update March 17, 2022
Summer camp is getting closer, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Here is some VERY IMPORTANT information you will need to know to get ready for camp.
1. As of right now most COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. If that changes you will be informed.
2. You can start paying for your Scouts on 4/1/22. You do not need to pay for everyone at once, you can pay as they do. You will need the YPT date for all adults to be able to register them.
3. Merit badge class registration opens at 9am on 4/23/22 for all Scouts paid in full. I will have an open Zoom session from 8am to 10am that day to help with any questions
4. There are 2 options for the pre-camp leaders meetings. 5/5/22 at 6:30pm or 5/7/22 at 10:00am. The meeting will be in person at Camp Merz and also be available via Zoom. Please RSVP by 5/1/22 by clicking HERE
5. We will not be providing tents this summer unless you request them.
6. Any adult coming to camp MUST have Youth Protection training. This includes the Family camp session.
7. All adults accompanying a Scouting unit who are present at the activity for 72 total hours or more must be registered as leaders. The 72 hours need not be consecutive. One-on-one contact between adult leaders and youth members is prohibited both inside and outside of Scouting.
8. I have attached the following documents to this message.
The snow is almost melted! We can't wait to welcome you back!
